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Controller one

Touchpad panel - on touch open a panel with 5 buttons for navigation between body layers.
Onclick, in some buttons will appear an additional inner layers.
Menu button - help button.
Trigger - on trigger hold a ray comes out and display the terminology name of the hitted object.
Trigger (when clipping mode is ON) - Interact with the clipping plane on holding the trigger button.

Controller two

Touchpad panel - on touch open a panel with 2 buttons: clipping mode (ON/OFF) and reset user position.
Menu button - help button.
Trigger - teleporter, to moving in the virtual world.
Trigger (when clipping mode is ON) - Interact with the clipping plane on holding the trigger button.

Notice: After room calibration, when walking in the room the boundaries of the real world appears(like a blue cube) in the VR world when you get close to it’s edge.

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